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The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament Parish in Altoona, PA is a welcoming and compassionate community of believers striving to grow as God’s people.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we offer lifelong faith formation for children, youth, and adults; and we live out Christ’s invitation to serve our sisters and brothers.

We gather to worship in prayer and song and invite all to joyfully participate in word and sacrament, especially the Eucharist.



This week, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Saturday, January 4, at 12:30 P.M.

You may make an appointment for the Sacrament of Reconciliation by calling or texting 814-937-8240.




Vigil, Saturday at 5:00 P.M.

Sunday Masses at 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.

Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Church at 11:30 A.M.


Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. 

Saturday at 12:30 P.M.

By appointment by calling or texting 814-937-8240


January 5, 2025


The Epiphany

Have you ever wondered why the magi had gold, frankincense, and myrrh? Matthew’s Gospel tells us, “Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh” (Matt. 2:11). Why are these things their “treasures”? One possible answer is they were magicians and astrologers, and these three items were the tools of their questionable trade. In offering them to Christ, they demonstrate that they will cease using such items to predict or control life. They place this baby-king, the God of Israel, at the center of their lives, and not their own devices of control, manipulation and prediction.

Isn’t that what we need to do, too? Consider, for example, the magical power of money, symbolized by the magi’s gold. Seemingly whatever we ask of money, it does. It wields a godlike power over the world. It can predict the future by guaranteeing better outcomes for us — which is why it is such a tempting alternative to trusting in God. The problem is such absolute trust in money enslaves us to the economic forces that make money so powerful. In paying homage to Jesus with “gold” (i.e., tithing), we participate in his authority over (and therefore freedom from) the magical sway of money.

What things in your life do you use to predict or control your future? What in your life seems to give you power over the world? Those are your treasures. Are you tired of feeling enslaved to them? Find a way to open them and give them to Christ, and you will be freer.

Father John Muir



After meeting Jesus, the Magi returned home by “another way.” What in your family needs to be done “another way?” Do you need “another way to resolve differences, to communicate or show affection? This is a new year, time to change what isn’t working. Take a tip from some wise men, there’s always “another way.”

Bud Ozar



As we continue our celebration of the Christmas season, we observe today the great Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. The word ‘epiphany’ means manifestation and throughout the Christmas readings we have seen that the newborn King is eager to reveal Himself to all those willing to accept His presence in their lives. From poor and humble shepherds to the international group of magi featured in today’s Gospel passage, Jesus makes it clear that He offers Himself as a gift to everyone.

We also see throughout the scriptures that God uses what is familiar to us to draw us to Himself, like using a star for the magi. Our Lord speaks to each of us daily, but we must be alert to ‘hear’ and ‘see’ Him our lives. To become better attuned to the ways God is speaking to us, we must strengthen our spiritual ‘senses’ by spending time with the Lord in prayer.

When we establish a regular, intentional, time for prayer daily, we will find that the Lord continues to speak to us throughout the day. We will more easily recognize the signs He places before us to draw us into a closer relationship with Him. We will begin to see that He is indeed present in our lives at every moment.

2024 Catholic Stewardship Consultants



Waiting is not always so easy. If you lack patience, like me, you probably want whatever is going to happen to just happen already. I remember waiting for the births of my children. There was the time I sat with my dying father in the hospital. One year, we waited to see if our oldest child got into the college of his choice, or any college at all, which seemed quite nerve-wracking.

So, to make the time pass more easily, and because it is prudent and wise, we make preparations. We put together nurseries, go over last wills and testaments, and look through endless college mailings. Then, when the event finally happens or our fate is unveiled, the preparation ends. Either you have prepared well for that moment, or you realize your actions didn’t prepare you at all.

Advent comes every year. So, unlike events in our lives that only happen once, we have been through Advent many times before. Even though this is the case, when Christmas arrives many of us will think we missed it again, and next year will be the year we get into Advent. Of course, not to sound morbid, but there is no promise of next year. What if you knew this was your last Advent ever?

I read a book some years ago about how to live your life as if you only had one year to live. The author said that doing this provides an incentive for a real commitment to living life to its fullest. You notice things for the first time. You make those plans that you always put off. You tell people what you always wanted to say. I hope all who read this have many wonderful years ahead of them. However, let’s approach this Advent like it is our last. I bet Christmas will seem that much sweeter. And who knows, we may find a new and improved way to live all year long.

– Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS


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